Sunday, January 13, 2013

she's just so amazing - grimes//claire boucher

it was like 2-3 years ago when i discovered this amazing music to myself. i felt in love with her fantastic voice, and great music, and how does she looks like, her tattoos, her hairstyles - it all seems like so me and now i feel like obsessed. and the way she's doing her performances - such an amazing way - i really admire how grimes is not afraid of being herself all the time. 

well, as for songs, my absolute favs are be a body and genesis. however the first ones i ever heard from her were vanessa and oblivion, which are gawjus, too.

she has became my idol. i pray for her like for alice glass, ha

i really do


  1. she is wonderful! I have a post about her on my blog, too.

  2. yeah she's so cool, i love her hair and the drawing!
